New Delhi: Google’s email service ‘Gmail’ was interrupted for some time from 7.30 pm on Saturday. The company gave this information. Several people on social media complained about their Gmail service being disrupted. However, the company’s engineers restored the services around 9 pm IST.
The information was given in the Google Dashboard, “We are experiencing a problem with Gmail. Users may experience delays in sending emails. Our engineering is working to fix it.
Google informed at 9.45 pm Indian time that emails are now being sent. “However, the Google engineering team is still working on the backlog of blocked messages and expects all messages to be delivered within the next few hours,” the dashboard said.
Across India, users complained of undelivered emails and an unresponsive Gmail app. Gmail’s enterprise services are also affected at the moment. Gmail, which has over 1.5 billion users worldwide, was among the top downloaded apps of 2022. A couple of hours after the outage was first reported, Downdetector continued to show the email service in the red. Both the app and desktop services have been affected by this unprecedented outage.
As users struggled to send out important emails, #GmailDown started trending on Twitter and other social media platforms. According to some of the comments posted on Downdetector, users got a message saying there could be delays in receiving and sending emails. Many of the users complained that they were not receiving emails on their accounts.