Mumbai: Jacqueline Fernandez has landed in bigger trouble. On Wednesday, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) team probing alleged conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar in the Rs 200 crore money laundering case named the actress as an accused. She’s named as an accused in a supplementary charge sheet filed by the Enforcement Directorate.
The shocking development comes after the ED grilled her on several occasions. She was first summoned in August last year. Through the process, Sukesh’s lawyer had claimed that the conman and Jacqueline were in a relationship. The actress’s team denied the claims. However, she did admit to receiving expensive ‘gifts’ from Sukesh.
Jacqueline claimed she received the following gifts:
- A horse named Espuela
- Three designer bags from Gucci and Chanel
- Two Gucci gym wear outfits
- A pair of Louis Vuitton shoes
- Two pairs of diamond earrings
- A bracelet made of multi-colored stones
- Two Hermes bracelets
- Loan of $150,000 to her sister Geraldine, who lives in the United States
She also claimed that the con man had gifted her a Mini Cooper car, but that she returned it to him. The charge sheet also mentioned that Sukesh arranged private jet trips and hotel stay for the actress on different occasions.
In a counter to her claims, Sukesh told the ED in a separate questioning that Jacqueline was not telling the complete truth. “No, she is not telling the truth. Through Deepak Ramnani (who has also been arrested), I transferred $180,000 and BMW (X5) to Geraldine,” he claimed.
“I have gifted her 15 earrings, five Birkin bags, and other bags from YSL, Gucci… I also gifted her Cartier bangles and Tiffany bracelets. These jewelry and earrings are diamond-studded and approximately Rs 7 crore,” he added. He had also claimed he gifted Jacqueline’s parents a Maserati and her mother in Bahrain a Porsche.