On May 5, the first lunar eclipse of the year will take place on Vaishakh Purnima. This lunar eclipse will be a penumbra, in which a faint shadow will appear on the moon. The incident of the eclipse has been considered very important from a religious point of view. The time of the eclipse is not considered auspicious in the scriptures. Before the eclipse and during the eclipse, it is forbidden to do many types of work.
The first lunar eclipse of the year will not be visible in India. This lunar eclipse will be visible in some parts of Asia, New Zealand, Australia, and South Eastern Europe. The steak period of the lunar eclipse starts 9 hours before. Although this lunar eclipse will not be visible in India, therefore it will not be considered Sutak Kaal here. There will be no ban on worship or any religious activities here due to the non-occurrence of Sutak Kaal. All auspicious works can be done even during the lunar eclipse. The doors of the temples will also remain open on this day.
Lunar eclipse time
According to the Vedic calendar, the first lunar eclipse of the year will begin on May 05 at 08.44 pm, which will end at 01.02 midnight on May 6. The special thing about this eclipse will be that it will be a penumbral lunar eclipse, in which only the shadow of the earth will fall on the moon. This lunar eclipse will not be visible from every place.
According to astrology, this eclipse can affect all zodiac signs.
The lunar eclipse is going to happen in the seventh house of Aries. There can be trouble in married life. There can be mental pain. Avoid money loss and accidental accidents. Take care of married life.
Its lord is Venus, so take maximum care of your health during the lunar eclipse. Stopped works will be completed, and disputes and lawsuits will get rid of, do not take hasty decisions during this time.
For Gemini people, this eclipse is coming in the fifth house. Keep your intelligence sharp at this time. Take care of health and litigation, the child side may have problems. Take special care while traveling.
Moon’s own sign is Cancer. An eclipse is going to happen in the fourth house of Cancer. At this time you have to take care of your mother’s health. A lot of hard work will have to be done in education and career. Consider relocating. Take care of the health of the mother and the female side.
The lunar eclipse is taking place in the third house. You may have to face some problems in the workplace. The ongoing obstacles will be removed. Money-related problems will improve. Relations with siblings have to be taken care of.
The eclipse will be in the money house for you. The lunar eclipse is going to be good for the people of Virgo. There will be happiness in the family with money gain, but lending should be avoided. Health can be bad.
People of the Libra zodiac have to be careful during this lunar eclipse. Your mental and physical condition may remain weak. Avoid health problems and accidents. Be careful in written work. Failure can be found in matters of love and relationships.
Moon is debilitated in this zodiac sign, so the mind has to be kept stable during the lunar eclipse. There are chances of family and eye problems. There can be a loss of money and property. There can be problems in marital affairs and relationships.

This eclipse is in the eleventh house of Sagittarius, but this lunar eclipse will give you wealth, prosperity, and happiness. Your position will remain strong. There will be an increase in wealth. Money and respect will increase. Suddenly you will also get benefits.
Capricorn people will have to be careful about their deeds during the lunar eclipse. Stopped important work will be done. Don’t be in a hurry to make big decisions at this time.
This eclipse is going to happen in the ninth house for the people of Aquarius. Take care of the health of parents, and take care of health and comfort. Avoid postponing important work.
This eclipse is going to prove very dangerous for Pisces. At this time the health of the mother has to be taken care of. The health of the family has to be taken care of. There can also be mental troubles.