Mathura: A major fire broke out in a temporary firecracker market in Mathura city of Uttar Pradesh on Sunday, injuring nine people, including a fireman who was trying to douse the flames. The fire started around noon in the Gopalbagh area, where seven shops were selling firecrackers for the upcoming Diwali festival. According to police sources, the fire was caused by an electrical short circuit, which ignited the firecrackers and spread rapidly to the neighboring shops.
The incident triggered panic among the customers and shopkeepers, who were busy buying and selling firecrackers. Some of the shopkeepers suffered burns and injuries while attempting to save their stock from the fire. The fire also damaged several vehicles parked near the market. The fireman, identified as Chandrashekhar, was injured when some sparks from the firecrackers hit him. He was praised for his bravery and quick action, as he managed to prevent the fire from reaching six other shops with his equipment.
The injured were rushed to different hospitals for treatment. Four of them, who were in a serious condition, were referred to SN Medical College in Agra, while the others were admitted to the district hospital. Chief Fire Officer Narendra Pratap Singh said that the fire was brought under control in about half an hour with the help of fire tenders that arrived at the spot. He said that the eyewitnesses confirmed that the fire was sparked by some electric wires that fell on the firecrackers. He said that the extent of the loss caused by the fire was being assessed.