Indore (MP): An FIR has been filed on the alleged violation of the terms of permission and guidelines to prevent Corona in the election roadshow of Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan held in the district’s Sanveer constituency on Monday evening. A police official said on Tuesday that the case has been registered against a local BJP leader, on whose application permission was given to the chief minister’s roadshow in Saver town.
Santosh Kumar Dudhi, in-charge of Saver Police Station, said that the roadshow that was taken out on Monday evening was approved on these conditions, it would include only five vehicles, and the physical distance and other guidelines to avoid Covid-19 would be followed. He said quoting a letter sent to the police station from the office of the returning officer of Saver that 20 to 25 vehicles attended the Chief Minister’s road show in violation of the conditions of permission.
This election event did not follow the physical distance law and many of the people involved did not even wear masks to prevent the epidemic. The in-charge of the police station said that a case was registered late Monday night against local BJP leader Dinesh Bhavsar under Section 188 of the Indian Penal Code (not obeying orders of any government official) over alleged violation of the terms and conditions in the Chief Minister’s road show. The election road show of the Chief Minister was allowed on the application of the Chief Minister. Sanwar is one of the 28 assembly constituencies in the state where the by-elections are to be held on November 3. The water resources of the main electoral battle in this seat reserved for Scheduled Castes. Minister Tulsiram Silavat and former Lok Sabha MP Premchand Guddu.