Mumbai: According to big news coming from Maharashtra, a huge fire has broken out in a chemical factory in Tarapur, Palghar here. The said incident happened late on Tuesday night, when suddenly 10 to 12 explosions occurred one after the other at the Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) plant. After these blasts, there has been a stir in the surrounding area.
At present, several fire tenders reached the spot and are working to douse the fire. At the same time, according to officials, if the fire is not controlled soon, then there can be a huge economic loss.
According to reports, this fire is so fierce that its flames were visible even from several kilometers away from here. At the same time, due to the fire in the plant, chemical smoke spread in this area, due to which the people there are now finding it very difficult to breathe. However, the reason for what caused the fire is not known till the time of writing the news.
Let us inform you that this incident of arson took place at Premier Intermediate Chemical Company in Tarapur Industrial Estate, Boisar. However, two months ago, a major fire broke out at a chemical plant here, causing a lot of panic in the area.