- This study provides evidence of the effectiveness of Rekovelle across a broad range of patients in a real-world clinical setting and supports its efficacy and safety profile, as previously demonstrated in randomised controlled trials (RCTs).1-4
- In the study, 74.0% of patients had between 4 and 19 oocytes retrieved and the ongoing pregnancy rates were similar to Phase 3 RCTs.1-3
- Rekovelle is the only recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone (rFSH) for ovarian stimulation (OS) that uses individualised dosing calculated through an approved algorithm based on bodyweight and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels.
Today, an oral poster of the first post-authorisation Phase 4 real-world study, PROFILE, is being presented at the 13th Congress of the Pacific Society for Reproductive Medicine (PSRM) 2023 in Australia. The large, prospective, multi-national study confirms the effectiveness and safety of Rekovelle in routine clinical practice, with ongoing pregnancy rates similar to Phase 3 RCTs.1-3,5The study was first published in Frontiers of Endocrinology in December 2022.5
The PROFILE study enrolled 944 women who had not previously undergone in vitro fertilisation (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Results highlighted that with Rekovelle, almost three-quarters (74.0%) of women had between 4-19 oocytes retrieved and 255 women (27.0%) achieved an ongoing pregnancy at 10-11 weeks after transfer. The ongoing pregnancy rate was similar to the rates observed in the Phase 3 RCTs.1–3 The first cycle cumulative ongoing pregnancy rate after fresh and/or frozen transfer was 36.4%. The research also showed a 3.9% incidence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), with most cases of OHSS being of mild to moderate intensity, (n=30 [3.2%]) and all participants with OHSS made a full recovery.5
“Up to now, we have more than 2,000 patients in the RCTs for Rekovelle – ESTHER-1 and -2, GRAPE and STORK trials – but these had strict inclusion and exclusion criteria. Real-world data extends efficacy and safety data to all patients. In fact, in PROFILE there were nearly no restrictions other than that the participants were seeking to become pregnant, had no contraindications to rFSH, and had not previously undergone ovarian stimulation,” said Professor Christophe Blockeel, from Brussels IVF, the Centre for Reproductive Medicine, Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel and Vrije Universiteit Brussel, who was the principal investigator of the PROFILE study.
In countries where it is licensed, Rekovelle is the only rFSH for OS that has an individualised fixed daily dose calculated using an approved algorithm based on bodyweight and levels of AMH. AMH is a biomarker used to predict ovarian response.6 In PROFILE, physicians used the Rekovelle dosing algorithm for nearly all participants (95%), although some made minor adjustments to the prescribed starting dose or adjusted the dose during OS based on clinical factors. Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) were monitored for all initiated OS cycles, and the number of ADRs leading to treatment and study discontinuation was low (n=4).
“Ferring is committed to building healthy families of every shape and size by developing innovative fertility treatments. We are committed to seeking insights throughout the research and development of our treatments, so it is therefore encouraging to see that in an observational study of real-world clinical practice, Rekovelle confirmed its effectiveness through ongoing pregnancy rates, similar, or higher than RCTs,” said Christina Lloyd, Senior Vice President and Head of Reproductive Medicine and Maternal Health, Ferring Pharmaceuticals.