World Radio Day 2024: Century of radio’s role in informing, entertaining, and educating

    World Radio Day

    Radio is one of the oldest and most popular forms of mass communication in the world. It has been a source of information, entertainment, and education for millions of people across the globe. To recognize the importance and impact of radio, World Radio Day is celebrated every year on February 13.

    The history of radio dates back to the late 19th century, when Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi made the first radio broadcast in 1895. He used radio waves to transmit signals over long distances. The radio of that time consisted of music and talk radio broadcasts, which aimed to influence a large audience through radio. Radio became widely used around 1905-1906, and by the 1950s, it had become a global phenomenon.

    World Radio Day was first proposed by Spain in 2010, and in 2011, UNESCO member states declared February 13 as World Radio Day. The date was chosen to commemorate the anniversary of the first broadcast by the United Nations Radio in 1946. In 2013, World Radio Day was fully adopted as an international program by the United Nations General Assembly.

    The theme of World Radio Day 2024 is “Radio: A century of informing, entertaining and educating”. The theme reflects the history of radio and its powerful impact on various aspects of society, such as news, drama, music, and sports. Radio is also used to provide information about natural and man-made disasters, such as storms, earthquakes, floods, heat, forest fires, accidents, and wars, as well as emergencies and power cuts. Radio’s security and reliability make it an essential medium for crisis communication and humanitarian action.

    World Radio Day

    The objective of World Radio Day this year is to increase awareness about radio among the public and the media. The purpose of celebrating this day is to provide access to information through radio stations and to promote diversity, pluralism and dialogue through radio. World Radio Day also aims to encourage the development of radio as a platform for innovation and creativity.
