New Delhi: A senior official of Facebook India, Aankhi Das has filed a complaint with the Delhi Police alleging that she is receiving “death threats”. Officials gave this information on Monday. A senior police officer said that the cyber cell unit (of Delhi Police) is investigating Das’s complaint. Das is the Director of Public Policy, India, South, and Central Asia of Facebook. He filed a complaint on Sunday, alleging that many people are threatening him, making lewd comments, and defaming him through online posts.
According to the complaint, the threats are related to an article published in the (American newspaper) ‘Wall Street Journal’ on 14 August 2020. Das has stated in his complaint that she has been receiving threats since then. She said, “The content (being posted) includes even my pictures and threatens to kill me and cause bodily harm and I fear protecting myself and my family members.” is. On the basis of a news item, my image has also been tarnished and I am being abused, cyber bullied, and online frauds are being done. ”
Das alleged that she is being intentionally targeted by the accused for his “political affiliation” and now she has been indulging in abusive online and offline, giving him criminal threats and making lewd remarks against her. Has been The remarks came amid accusations between the Congress and the BJP after a Wall Street Journal news Facebook claimed negligence in enforcing hate speech rules against ruling party leaders in India (at the center).
While the BJP has alleged that the social media company is suppressing the nationalist voice, the opposition Congress has cited the Wall Street Journal news that Facebook’s content policy supports the ruling party.