Indore: An association of Soybean processors predicted on Thursday that during the current kharif season, the acreage of soybean in the country could increase by 10 per cent to around 118 lakh hectares. Soybean is popularly known as “yellow gold” among farmers for being a cash crop. DN Pathak, executive director of the Indore-based Soybean Processors Association of India (SOPA) told, “Looking at the current situation, we estimate that the area of soybean in the country has increased by 10 percent during this Kharif season. Will be recorded. “
He said quoting SOPA data that during last kharif season, soybean was sown in 107.61 lakh hectare in the country, while its yield was 93.06 lakh tonnes. Last year, heavy monsoon rains caused major damage to this oilseed crop. Pathak told, “We feel that many farmers who cultivate maize and cotton in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan will sow soybean this time in the hope of better prices of yield. This will increase the area of the oilseed crop. ” He said that along with the arrival of southwest monsoon, sowing of soyabean has started in Madhya Pradesh and other major producing areas, which is expected to be finished by the first week of July.
About SOPA
The Soybean Processors Association of India, popularly known as SOPA, is the only national level body representing the soybean processors, farmers, exporters and brokers in India working towards the aim to strengthen soybeans as a viable crop.