Stockholm: These days, the names of Nobel Prize winners are being announced. Today the names of those who have done the best work in chemistry have been announced. The Nobel Prize for Chemistry for the year 2020 (Emmanuelle Charpentier) and Jennifer A. Doudna have been awarded for finding a way to genome editing.
The Nobel Prize for Chemistry for the year 2019 was given jointly to three scientists for the invention of lithium ion battery. These three names are John B. Goodinf, M. Stanley Vitangam and Akira Yoshino. John Goodinf, 97, is an American professor and the first person to receive a Nobel at such an age.
The names of these three scientists were announced by the jury at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Stockholm. The Nobel Prize carries a gold medal, an amount of 10 million Swedish krona (over 11 million dollars). Swedish Krona is the currency of Sweden. The award is given in the name of Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel. Nobel prize winners will get Rs 8,23,71,000 as prize money.

Three scientists have been awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for the year 2020 for working towards understanding what black holes are. These three scientists are – Roger Penrose, Reinhard Gangel and Andrea Ghez (Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez). Roger Penrose is from the UK. Reinhard Gängel is a resident of Germany and Andrea Ghez America.
Last year’s Nobel Prize was awarded to James Peebles, who did theoretical work to uncover the mysteries of the universe, and Swiss astronomers Michael Mayer and Didier Kulose, who discovered a planet outside the solar system. On Monday, the Nobel committee announced the names of awardees in the medical field.