New Delhi: According to big news, the Election Commission of India (ECI) on Saturday held a review meeting with Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan and Principal Health Secretaries of five states. The Election Commission has banned election rallies and roadshows in the polling states till January 22. However, the Election Commission has allowed political parties to hold indoor meetings with a maximum of 300 persons or 50% of the hall’s capacity. The Election Commission held a meeting to decide on ‘any relaxation’ in public rallies.
An ECI spokesperson tweeted, “ECI has extended the ban on physical rallies and roadshows till January 22, 2022. At the same time, the Commission has allowed indoor meetings for political parties with a maximum of 300 persons or 50% of the capacity of the hall.
On the other hand, wrote in another tweet that, the commission has directed the political parties to follow the provisions of MCC and comprehensive guidelines of COVID. Also, the commission has directed the state/district administration to ensure compliance with all instructions related to MCC and COVID.
According to reports, in a meeting with the Chief Election Commissioner, the Union Health Secretary said that the pace of infection has not slowed down yet. However, the intensity of infection of the Omicron variant is not as lethal as that of the delta but is spreading rapidly. So it would not be right to give any discount now.
It is noteworthy that earlier on January 8, the polling dates for Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Goa, Punjab, and Manipur were announced. In view of the increasing cases of Corona, the Election Commission had banned public rallies, roadshows, and similar physical campaign programs till January 15. Which has been extended for another week.
2,68,833 new cases of corona in the country
It is noteworthy that the speed of coronavirus in the country has only increased. According to the latest data of the Ministry of Health, which came out on Saturday, after the arrival of 2,68,833 new cases of coronavirus infection, the number of people found infected so far in the country has increased to 3,68,50,962. With this, 402 more patients who came under the grip of corona died across the country, after which the death toll in the country has now increased to 4,85,752. Currently, the death rate in the country is 1.32 percent.
At the same time, the number of patients under treatment of Covid-19 has increased to 14,17,820. Along with the increasing cases of the corona, the danger of Omicron is also increasing continuously in the country. The Union Health Ministry said on Saturday that, so far, 6,041 cases of Omicron form of coronavirus have been reported in the country. The daily infection rate in India is 16.66 percent while the weekly infection rate is 12.84 percent. The number of patients under treatment has increased to 14,17,820, which is the highest in 223 days and accounts for 3.85 percent of the total infected.