Earthquake of 3.4 magnitude in Kolhapur

Strong earthquake jolts

Kolhapur: According to the big news received from Maharashtra, earthquake tremors have been felt in Kolhapur (Kolhapur0) today i.e. Wednesday, August 16 morning at 6.45 am. The intensity of this earthquake was said to be 3.4. Details on the incident are awaited.

Please inform that, on August 26, 2022, an earthquake of magnitude 3.9 on the Richter scale occurred at midnight 171 km east of Kolhapur in Maharashtra. At the same time, the National Center for Seismology (NCS) had told that the earthquake occurred at 02.21. The depth of the earthquake was 10 km below the ground.

Be aware that, if you are inside a building, get down on the floor or go under sturdy furniture. If there is no table or such furniture, cover your face and head with your hands and sit crouching in a corner of the room.


On the other hand, if you are outside a building, then move away from the building, trees, poles, and wires. In such a situation, if you are traveling in a vehicle, stop your vehicle as soon as possible and remain seated inside the vehicle. On the other hand, if you are buried in a pile of debris, never light a match, neither move nor push anything.
