New Delhi: According to the news, Patiala House Court has given bail to Disha Ravi. Today, at the end of his one-day custody, Delhi Police presented him in Patiala House Court. After which the court released Disha on bail.
Today, Judge Dharmendra Rana accepted the bail application of Disha. Along with this, Dharmendra Rana granted direction to bail conditionally. Please tell that Disha has been granted bail on a bond of one lakh rupees. On this, the counsel for Disha said that Diha’s family is not able to afford the bail because of this decision.
It is worth mentioning that Shantanu Muluk, co-accused along with Disha Ravi, in connection with the alleged sharing of ‘toolkit Google document’ on social media, in support of the farmers’ movement, on Tuesday in Delhi court for anticipatory bail Knocked on the door The application given by Muluk is likely to be heard in the court of Additional Sessions Judge Dharmendra Rana on Wednesday. The Bombay High Court granted Muluk a ten-day transit bail on 16 February.
Muluk, Disha Ravi and another accused Nikita Jacob have been booked under sedition and other charges. Disha Ravi was arrested by the Cyber Cell of Delhi Police from Bangalore and brought to Delhi. Ravi’s police custody period ends today. Muluk and Jacob are currently on transit bail. Muluk and Jacob were involved in an investigation into the Toolkit case on Monday.
He was questioned at the office of the Cyber Cell of the Delhi Police in Dwarka. The police had alleged that the toolkit was created as part of a conspiracy to spread violence and unrest in India in the name of farmers’ agitation against agricultural laws. Farmers from Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh have been protesting at various borders in Delhi to demand withdrawal of the three agricultural laws of the Center.