New Delhi: The Delta variant of the coronavirus has created a stir in the whole world these days. This variant of the corona is not only spreading rapidly, but their symptoms are also slightly different. Now in new research, it has been found that if you have a mild cold and cough and light water is coming from the nose, then these can be symptoms of the delta variant. This research has been done by the Griffith University of Australia. According to Lara Herrero, who does research in virology and infectious disease here, as the virus has evolved, its most common symptoms have also changed.
Data for research are taken from the UK. Most of the cases here are of Delta variants only. According to Lara Herrero, fever and cough have always been the most common symptoms of Covid. Apart from this, headache and sore throat were also seen in some people, but very few people complained of a runny nose. At the same time, loss of sense of smell, which was very common in the original, is now a symptom of ninth place.
Reason for changing symptoms
After all, Lara Herrero says about why the characteristics of the Delta variant are changing, ‘Humans are different from each other. Like our differences, our immune systems are also different. This means that the same virus can cause different signs and symptoms in different ways. The sign is what looks like a rash. The symptom is that which feels like a sore throat. How the virus infects itself depends on two important factors – the viral factor includes the rate at which the virus replicates itself, the medium of transmission, and other factors.

Beware of Delta!
Meanwhile, World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned that the world is in a very ‘dangerous phase’ of the Covid-19 pandemic, whose delta-like variants are more contagious and are constantly changing over time. He said that in countries where less population has been vaccinated, the number of patients in hospitals has started increasing again. “No country is out of danger yet,” he said. The delta variant is dangerous and is changing with the passage of time which needs to be continuously monitored.