Dice made of ivory found in excavation on Pandav mound in Hastinapur

excavation on Pandav mound in Hastinapur

Meerut: The land of Hastinapur, 40 km from Meerut city of Uttar Pradesh, is about to spew a new secret. After the year 1952, the things that have been found in the excavation work in 2022 are very shocking. For example, thousands of years old dice and seals have been found here. After getting the dice in the excavation, people also started discussing whether it was the same dice that Duryodhana’s maternal uncle Shakuni Chaucer used to play.

These dice found in the excavation on the Pandava mound in Hastinapur remain a matter of curiosity. Superintending archaeologist Dr. DB Gananyak says that these dice are made of ivory. In this dice, one two three four, etc. have been made. Superintendent of ASI Dr. DB Ganayanayak says that only a rich man can use such a dice which is made of ivory. They say that these dice may be of the Gupta period and maybe 1500 years old.

Is this dice from Mahabharata period? He smiles and avoids answering this question. Doctor Ganatyak says that something can be said only after the research of dice. Although he definitely says this thing in a certain way that this dice is a secret period.

Usually, the name Hastinapur comes, then Shakuni’s game of dice and backgammon is also remembered. If there were no Shakuni’s dice, there would have been no Mahabharata. Research is being done on the dice found during the excavation of the Pandav mound of Hastinapur. Along with these dice, more than twenty clay seals have also been found during the excavation. The ASI team is also happy to get the seals written in the name of the king. Shri Vishnu Gupta is written on these clay seals. Doctor DB Ganayak says that the script written on the seals will also be studied.

excavation on Pandav mound in Hastinapur

Superintending archaeologist Dr. DB Gananyak says that bone arrows, bone needles, etc. have also been found in the excavation. Terracotta rings have also appeared in excavations. He said that there will be a scientific investigation of everything found in the excavation. Different agencies will examine the things found in the excavation of Hastinapur and after carbon dating, it will be decided whether the things found in the excavation area of Mahabharata or not.

He said that it can be said with certainty that there is a glimpse of Vedic culture in Hastinapur. He says that Hastinapur will be developed as an iconic site. It is worth mentioning that once again after 1952, excavation is being done on the land of Hastanpur after 70 years. Apart from Hastinapur, the ASI team is also focusing on 82 sites in 16 districts.
