New Delhi: There is a decline in the case of coronavirus, but amidst the fears of a possible third wave, another crisis has come to the fore. The gradually increasing cases of Delta variants have raised concerns. Till now it was believed that the vaccine is completely effective in fighting the coronavirus, but now some such facts have come to the fore which have surprised everyone. It is being said that the delta variant of the coronavirus is also infecting those taking both doses of the Covid 19 Vaccine.
At present, research is going on around the world regarding the coronavirus and scientists are constantly trying to find ways to deal with it. Meanwhile, 10 leading Covid 19 experts said in an interview that the vaccine that protects against the coronavirus is very strong and those who have not yet been vaccinated are at higher risk at this time.
According to scientists, the delta variant identified in India is more dangerous than other variants of the coronavirus. It is very easily transferred from one person to another. According to the report, it is capable of infecting fully vaccinated people much faster than the previous variants.

Delta variant becomes a big risk for the world
At present, the delta variant of the coronavirus remains the biggest risk for the whole world. Microbiologist Sharon Pecock said that the delta variant is the fastest variant of the coronavirus so far. According to Sharon, the virus keeps changing in itself and comes out in a new form. Its new form is sometimes more dangerous than the original.
Experts believe that until an effective solution for the delta variant comes, where the vaccination campaign is still going on, the use of masks, sanitization, and social distancing is necessary. According to a report by Public Health England, a total of 3692 people were hospitalized with Delta infection in Britain on Friday. Of these, more than 58 percent were people who had not been vaccinated, but the surprising thing was that about 23 percent of such people were infected with the delta variant who had taken both doses of the vaccine.