New Delhi: Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain on Thursday thanked Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan for donating 500 Remdesivir injections, used in the treatment of COVID-19 patients, saying it came at a time “when it was needed the most”. The Union Health Ministry in its Clinical Management Protocols for COVID-19 has allowed the use of Remdesivir for restricted emergency purposes in patients in the moderate stages of the COVID-19 disease under “investigational therapies”.
Jain tweeted on Thursday: “We are extremely thankful to Sh. @iamsrk and@MeerFoundation for donating 500 Remdesivir injections at a time when it was needed the most we are much obliged for the support extended by you during the time of crisis.” Jain told reporters that the third wave of COVID-19 pandemic in the national capital is not over yet but it is “definitely on the wane”.
Delhi recorded 2463 fresh COVID-19 cases and 50 fatalities on Wednesday, the lowest number of deaths in a single day, since November 1.