New Delhi: The Delhi High Court has taken a tough stand on the growing black fungus cases in the country. Hearing a petition filed, the court has ordered the central government to file an affidavit revealing all the data related to Amphotericin B, a drug used in the treatment of the disease.
In fact, cases of black fungus are rapidly emerging among people recovering from Corona in the entire country including the capital Delhi. At the same time, there is a shortage of medicines used in its treatment. A petition has been filed in the High Court regarding this, on which the Central Government has been asked to give a report on the current availability and increase in Amphotericin B drug, the current cases of black fungus, and the possible increase in it.
Oxygen plants set up in hospitals
During its first hearing, the court ordered oxygen plants to be set up in all 100-bed hospitals inside the capital. The court said in its order that, in the treatment of Corona patients in the past, the lack of oxygen in the situation is very bitter and we need to learn from it.
A bench of Justices Vipin Sanghi and Justice Jasmeet Singh said, “All hospitals, where there are more than 100 beds, will have to set up their own oxygen plant.” So that the normal capacity can be doubled and external dependence can be reduced. ” Simultaneously, the court has ordered the Delhi Chief Secretary to file a petition on the advice of setting up an oxygen plant.
An epidemic occurs every 100 years
The court said that every hundred years, such an epidemic comes, we hope that we will get rid of it soon and we will see it end.