Mumbai: Fans are quite excited to see the killer look of Shahrukh Khan from Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming much-awaited film ‘Pathan’. At the same time, the strong look of actress Deepika Padukone has also come out in this film. The motion poster of the actress has been released for this film today. In which the actress is seen with a pistol in her hand. The injury mark is also clearly visible on his forehead.
Deepika Padukone has shared this motion poster of hers on her Instagram. He wrote in his caption, ‘Tada! Pathan is releasing on January 25 in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu! Now, this motion poster of his is being liked by the fans. So far more than one and a half lakh people have liked this poster of his.
Apart from Shahrukh Khan and Deepika Padukone, John Abraham is also in the lead role in this film. The film will be released in all theaters on January 25, 2023, in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu languages.