Mumbai: Work has begun on Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s next film Baiju Bawra, who has made successful period films like Padmavat and Bajirao Mastani. In this film, Bhansali is once again repeating the pair of Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone. But Alia Bhatt will also be like a surprise package in the film. In this film, Ranveer Singh will be seen romancing Deepika Padukone as well as Alia Bhatt.
Ranveer’s career got a boost
Ranveer Singh was earlier seen in Bhansali’s Bajirao Mastani and Padmavat. Both these films were very successful. These films gave a new boost to Ranveer Singh’s film career. But outside the banner of Bhansali, Ranveer Singh has not been able to show any great charisma so far. With Baiju Bawra, Bhansali has once again given a big chance to Ranveer Singh.
Baiju Bawra will be Bhansali’s litmus test
Baiju Bawra will be a musical film inspired by the historical character Baiju Bawra. Sanjay Leela Bhansali, famous for making period films, brings old characters to the screen with great grandeur. His skills will once again be put to the test in Baiju Bawra. But Ranveer Singh’s reputation is at stake more than Bhansali’s.
Will Ranveer be able to prove himself?
Ranveer Singh has played only action-packed roles till now. Baiju Bawra will be purely a romantic musical film. Obviously, this can be a big chance for Ranveer Singh to prove himself. Now it is going to be interesting to see how much Ranveer will be able to do justice to this character.