Indore: NewDuniya Representative, Indore Coronavirus Update. A new record was made in Indore on Monday in the case of Kovid infected. In a test of 3751 samples, 628 new patients have been found in a single day. This is the largest number of new patients in Indore. Not only this, more than 600 new infected have been found in Indore for the fifth consecutive day. In addition, the infection rate was 16.4 percent. In Indore, 3071 have been found infected in the last five days. However, it is a matter of relief that on Monday, 367 patients beat Corona and came home healthy. Two people have also died. In this way, the death toll from the disease has reached 959 in the city.
According to the Health Department, so far 9 lakh 23 thousand 156 samples have been examined in the city. Out of these 69 thousand 28 have been found positive. It is worth noting that even after the holiday of Holi due to the number of Kovid infectives in the city, the Health Department team has collected samples of the infected people at different places. The Health Department will sample through 64 teams in the city from Tuesday, seeing the increasing number of infected. Efforts will be made to check the infected in as many areas in the city and to control the corona by giving timely treatment to the infected.
Growing infected like this
March 24 – 584 patients
March 25 – 612 patients
March 26 – 619 patients
March 27 – 603 patients
March 28 – 609 patients
March 29 – 628 patients