New Delhi: After 34 years, the Central Government came out with a new Consumer Protection Act (Consumer Protection Act, 2019) to make the customers even stronger and more empowered, which will also be implemented from today. On Thursday, the government has issued a notification in this regard. The new law will replace the Consumer Protection Act 1986. In the new law, customers will get new rights for the first time. The consumer can register a case in any consumer courts. The earlier Consumer Protection Act 1986 had no such provision. Modi Government has made many changes in this Act. After this is implemented, there will be no need to make any other law in the country for the next 50 years.

Ram Vilas Paswan will hold a press conference today
After this law comes into force from today, action will start immediately on the complaints related to the consumer. Especially now, ignoring the interests of consumers in online business may be overshadowed by companies. Food Minister Ram Vilas Paswan told on Thursday that the Central Consumer Protection Authority will start work very soon. It will protect the interests of consumers by enforcing collective action and rules to curb unfair trade activity. Ram Vilas Paswan will also address the media on all these issues on Monday i.e. today.
Action will also be taken to issue misleading advertisements to consumers under the new law. After the introduction of new consumer law, consumer disputes can be settled in a timely, effective and speedy manner. Under the new law, a Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) has been created along with consumer courts. This authority has been formed to protect the interests of the consumer with rigor. Under the new law, a consumer can complain about the quality of the goods to the CCPA even before purchasing any goods.
Provision for action on celebrities
This law provides that if misleading advertisements are made to lure consumers, then the celebrities along with the company will also be processed. Therefore, if you are a big cricket star or film celebrities or any other artist or any other celebrity, if you advertise a product, then now they have to be more careful than before. Before promoting the advertisement, it is the responsibility of the celebrity to investigate the claim made in the advertisement. In the new law, any wrong information related to the product will make the celebrity who does that advertisement difficult.
Will be able to easily file a case
After the Consumer Protection Act 2019 comes into force, the consumer can register a case in any consumer courts. The earlier Consumer Protection Act 1986 had no such provision. This is how you can understand it.
Key Features of Consumer Protection Act 2019
Establishment of Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) – Its main objective will be to protect the rights of consumers. Along with this, it will also look into the cases related to unfair trade activities, misleading advertisements and consumer rights violations and will deal with them at a fast pace. This authority will have the right to impose fines on those who make misleading or false advertisements such as Lakshmi Dhan Varsha Yantra and propagate them. This authority has the right to impose a sentence of imprisonment ranging from 2 years to 5 years, as well as a fine of up to Rs 50 lakh. It will be headed by Director General CCPA.
Constitution of Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission – The task of this commission is that if someone overcharges you, treats you unfairly, sales of life-threatening and defective goods and services are made. Then the CDRC will hear its complaint and give its verdict.
- PIL can now be filed in the Consumer Forum. It was not so in the earlier law.
- Online and teleshopping companies are included in the new law for the first time.
- Provision of fine and jail on companies for adulteration in food items.
- Formation of Consumer Mediation Cell. Both sides will be able to go to the Mediation Cell with mutual consent.
- Up to one crore cases in the Consumer Forum
- One crore to ten crores in State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
- Hearing of cases above ten crores in National Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission.
- Carry bag collection is wrong by law.
- In the cinema hall, if there is a complaint about those who make more money on food items, then action will be taken.
When was the first consumer law made?
This act has also been constituted to solve a large number of pending consumer complaints in consumer courts across the country. The new law provides both ways and means to resolve consumer complaints faster.