Mumbai: Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh is in discussion these days due to his nude photoshoot. Some have praised this nude photoshoot of Ranveer and some have criticized him. Apart from this, wife Deepika Padukone is also getting trolled a lot on social media due to these pictures of nude actors. Ranveer and Deepika are also being made fun of through memes. Let us tell you, Deepika has not yet publicly commented on Ranveer’s photoshoot.
Ranveer’s troubles are increasing due to this photoshoot. Meanwhile, a social organization has registered a case against the actor with the Chembur police. It has been said that this photoshoot has insulted Indian culture.’ The complaint further states that ‘Nude pictures of actor Ranveer Singh are going viral on social media for the last few days. Women and men are embarrassed by the way these pictures were taken. India is a country that preserves culture. Everyone has the right to freedom in this country. An actor is called a ‘Hero’ in India. Fans follow their favorite artist. That’s why Ranveer Singh should not do a nude photoshoot.
The NGO has registered a case against Ranveer Singh under sections 67A, sections 292, 293, 354, and 509 for hurting sentiments. In such a situation, now everyone’s attention is on whether Ranveer will be arrested.