Bhopal: Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan made several announcements for the welfare of women at the Ladli Bahna Sammelan held at Jamboree Maidan on Sunday. He said that 35 percent of the seats in all government jobs, including police, will be reserved for women. He also said that gas cylinders will be provided to women at Rs 450 each in the month of Sawan and permanent arrangements will be made to ensure affordable prices. He also transferred Rs 250 to the accounts of women as a Rakhi gift.
CM Chouhan addressed the women at the conference and said that there are many posts that are nominated by the government. He said that the government would appoint 35 percent of women to such posts. He also said that every police station in Madhya Pradesh will have a women’s desk and enough women police officers. He said that women would be included in the livelihood mission and would get loans from banks at a 2 percent interest rate, which would be paid by the government.
No recovery of increased electricity bills
CM Chouhan also said that there will be no recovery of the increased electricity bills and they will be zeroed in September. He said that the electricity bill of poor women will be only Rs 100. He also said that if there is no electricity in remote villages and hamlets with 20 houses, then electricity will be provided there. He said that Rs 900 crore has been allocated for this.
Will give Rs 1250 to sisters from October
CM Shivraj washed the feet of the members of Ladli Bahna Sena before the start of the conference. The women also presented a big rakhi to the CM. The CM transferred Rs 250 from the stage to the accounts of women to celebrate Raksha Bandhan. He said that women should celebrate Raksha Bandhan with joy and another Rs 1000 will be transferred on September 10. He also said that from October, Rs 1250 will be given to women every month.
Liquor shops will not open where 50 percent of women oppose
CM Chouhan also said that liquor shops will not be opened in areas where 50 percent of people are against it. He also said that he does not discriminate between religions and that all women are his sisters, regardless of caste, Hindu or Muslim.
Plots will be given to women from land taken from the mafia
He also said that women will be given priority plots for entrepreneurship in the industrial sector. He said that the land that had been taken from the mafias in the city would be used to give plots to women for living. He also announced that he would pay the fees for educating women under the ‘Mama Padhaega Ladli Betiyan’ scheme.’