New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejeriwal on Tuesday sought the right of the Center to impose lockdown in market areas, which could become the ‘hotspot’ of Kovid-19. It has also requested to withdraw the order for 200 people to attend the wedding.
Addressing the media online, Kejriwal said that the Delhi government had sent a proposal to the Deputy Governor to allow only 50 people to attend the wedding instead of 200 now. He said the Delhi government, the Center, and all agencies were making “double efforts” to control the situation of Covid-19 in the national capital.
The Chief Minister said, “We are sending a proposal to the Central Government to empower the Delhi Government to impose lockdown in market areas, which could become a ‘hotspot’ for Kovid-19. Kejriwal also thanked the central government for helping the people of Delhi in this “extremely difficult time” and urged Delhiites to join hands and follow the rule of wearing masks and maintaining social distance. Delhi has seen a sharp rise in corona virus cases since October 28, when more than 5,000 new cases were reported. More than eight thousand new cases came to light here on Wednesday. On Thursday, for the first time in the last five months, 104 people were killed.