Mumbai: Childhood nostalgia comes alive as the iconic Indian crime drama CID prepares to make a triumphant return with its second season. The beloved show, known for its legendary cast Shivaji Satam as ACP Pradyuman, Dayanand Shetty as Daya, and Aditya Srivastava as Abhijeet will once again grace our screens after a hiatus of six years. Mark your calendars for December 21, 2024, when the crime-solving trio returns to Sony TV.
Explosive Comeback Promo Sparks Excitement
Sony TV recently unveiled a gripping promo, giving fans a taste of the action-packed drama to come. In the teaser, viewers are shocked as Daya is struck by a deadly bullet. However, the tension quickly turns to exhilaration as Dayanand Shetty makes a heroic comeback in his trademark style, delivering the thunderous dialogue:
“Dushman bhi mujhe mita nahi paaye, main wapas aagaya, apne liye ladne aur jo bhool gaya hai, usse yaad dilane ki liye – ‘Daya is back!’”
The promo, which highlights Daya’s iconic darwaza tod (door-breaking) move, has left fans buzzing with excitement and anticipation for the new season.
Timeless Characters and Cultural Impact
CID, which first aired in 1998, captivated audiences for over two decades with its suspenseful cases and unforgettable characters. Dayanand Shetty, speaking about reprising his role as Daya, expressed his gratitude for the show’s enduring legacy:
“Some characters are etched in the minds and hearts of people, and Daya is one of them. The memes, the jokes, the references it’s all a testament to how deeply the audience connects with the character. I feel humbled to step back into Daya’s shoes and promise fans that the intensity and passion will remain as strong as ever. It’s time to break more doors and solve more cases!”
Reviving a Legacy
The return of CID also reunites viewers with Shivaji Satam’s stern yet compassionate ACP Pradyuman and Aditya Srivastava’s sharp-witted Abhijeet. The show, which went off air on October 27, 2018, after an incredible 20-year run, remains one of India’s longest-running TV series. Its influence on popular culture, from catchphrases to memorable action scenes, continues to resonate with audiences across generations.
Behind-the-Scenes Scoop
Fans might recall Pinkvilla’s earlier report revealing that the new season began filming in Mumbai in November 2024. The production team is pulling out all the stops to ensure the revival retains the essence of the original series while delivering fresh and engaging content.
When and Where to Watch
CID Season 2 premieres on December 21, 2024, airing every Saturday and Sunday at 10 PM on Sony TV. The iconic trio is set to tackle thrilling new cases, rekindling the suspense and excitement that made the show a household favorite.
With nostalgia running high and excitement building, the return of CID promises to be nothing short of spectacular. Get ready to hear those unforgettable words again: “Kuch toh gadbad hai, Daya!”