Washington: Chinese President Xi Jinping, during a phone conversation, warned his American counterpart, Joe Biden, against interfering in his case regarding Taiwan. Taiwan is a self-governing island that China considers its part. Giving details of the three-hour phone conversation between Xi and Biden on Thursday, the Chinese government said that Xi also cautioned against dividing the country’s two major economies.
Businessmen and economists say a shift brought about by Chinese industrial policies and US sanctions on technology exports could hurt the global economy by slowing innovation and increasing costs.
Meanwhile, a US official said on condition of anonymity that Xi and Biden were exploring the possibility of meeting in person. Xi has been invited to Indonesia in November for a meeting of the G20 countries, during which a face-to-face meeting between the two leaders is expected.
The Chinese government did not indicate whether Xi and Biden discussed a possible visit by US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, but Xi rejected such “interference from outside forces”. , which could encourage Taiwan to try to make its decades-long independence permanent.

“Protecting China’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity is the steadfast desire of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people,” the statement said. Those who play with fire will burn themselves to ashes.” Xi’s strong statement indicates that Chinese leaders probably believe that Washington has not understood the seriousness of China’s earlier warnings about Taiwan. Earlier on Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian reiterated warnings about Pelosi’s proposed visit to Taiwan.
If Pelosi visits Taiwan, it will be the first visit by a top US-elected representative to the island country since 1997. According to China’s official statement, Xi called for cooperation in areas such as mitigating the risk of economic slowdown, coordinating macroeconomic policies, and dealing with COVID-19. He also cautioned against separating the US and Chinese economies for strategic reasons.