China shaken by Corona, economic growth declined by 3%


New Delhi: Where in China last year, due to the restrictions imposed to deal with the Corona Pandemic, and the real estate recession, the economic growth rate here has come down to 3%. Yes, China, which is facing the brunt of Corona, has suffered a lot due to its policies. In such a situation, a new report has claimed that due to complex corona restrictions, and the real estate recession in China last year, there has been a 3% decline in economic growth.

However, after the removal of restrictions, it is also slowly improving. Growth in the world’s second-largest economy fell to 2.9% in a year, according to Chinese government data.

In such a situation, experts say that after the lifting of restrictions, the presence of people in shopping malls and restaurants is gradually increasing. At the same time, according to the government, it seems that the current wave of infection has passed. Significantly, last year’s economic growth rate was less than half of 2021’s 8.1%.

China broke by Corona
Please inform that, since last January 8, China has abolished the quarantine for foreign travelers. With this, China has also fully opened its airports and seaports for travel and trade. At present, China is also struggling with the rapid increase in cases of corona infection due to the Omicron form.

China broke by Corona

In contrast, Chinese officials argue that the omicron form is not as lethal as the delta form, which has caused large-scale deaths worldwide. A large part of its population has also been infected at present.

On the other hand, China told on Saturday that about 60 thousand people have died in the country’s hospitals in the last 30 days. This step of China has actually come after the criticisms being made by WHO that China is suppressing the news related to the severe condition of the epidemic.
