China plans to vaccinate 70-80% of population by mid-2022


Beijing: China has targeted to vaccinate 70–80 percent of its population from coronavirus infection by the end of this year or by the middle of 2022. The head of the country’s Center for Disease Control (CDC) said this on Saturday. CDC chief Gao Fu told Chinese government broadcaster CGTN on Saturday that with the approval of four vaccines, China will vaccinate 90 million to one billion people. “We hope that China can take the lead in achieving community immunity in the world,” he said. “

Community immunity is achieved when the immune system develops after vaccination or infection in most people to prevent the uncontrolled spread of infectious diseases such as Covid-19. By the end of February, China has injected 5.25 crore doses of the vaccine to the people.

China has started vaccination

However, government health experts have acknowledged that the pace of vaccination is slower in China than in many countries, including the US. China has pledged to deliver the vaccine to other countries ten times more than it has distributed domestically.
