Chief Justice tells Corona Vaccine “Devil’s Commentary”, causing ruckus on social media

South Africa's Chief Justice Mo goeng

Johannesburg: Amidst the world waiting for a vaccine to prevent a coronavirus infection, South Africa’s Chief Justice Mo goeng Mo goeng made a controversial statement on the vaccine in which he said that the vaccine that is spreading excitement around the world ” Has come from the devil. ”The Chief Justice has been criticized for this statement. A video has become increasingly viral on social media, in which Judge Mo going is seen praying in a church and during this time he claims that the vaccine will “spoil” people’s DNA. He said in his prayer, “I do not exclude myself from any vaccine that is not from your (God’s) side.” If there is a vaccine, it is from the devil, whose purpose is to bring ‘triple six’ (mark of the devil) in people’s lives and it will spoil their DNA ….. Any such vaccine, oh my God Destroy fire in the name of Jesus Christ. ”

South Africa's Chief Justice Mo goeng

Scientists and others are angry with these talks of Mo going and say that such talks on behalf of an influential person like Mo goeng can confuse people waiting for a vaccine. Barry School, a professor of virology at Wits University, said, “It is very unfortunate that someone of his stature is misleading people because vaccines are an important part of controlling this epidemic.” It is unfortunate that such an influential person is opposing efforts to control it. “Human rights organization” Africa 4 Palstein “has also condemned Mogoing’s statement. At the same time, the judge dismissed the criticisms leveled at her comment on the vaccine and said in a television program on Friday morning that she had the right to express her opinion. He said, “This is an independent country. I can not be silenced. I am not worried about the results.
