London: Anushka Sunak, daughter of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, performed Kuchipudi dance with several children in London on Friday. This performance of nine-year-old Anushka’s Kuchipudi dance was a part of ‘Rang’ – International Kuchipudi Dance Festival-2022 (‘Rang’ – International Kuchipudi Dance Festival 2022). This dance festival is the biggest celebration of Kuchipudi dance style in Britain. In which many generations from children to elders take part.
Around 100 artistes in the age group of 4-85 years participated in this International Kuchipudi Dance Festival. These included live musicians, senior dance artists (dance performance group for 65+ year olds), wheelchair-bound dancers, students from the Polish-funded International Natrang Group. Akshata Murthy, mother of Anushka Sunak, daughter of Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy, participated in the Kuchipudi dance program along with Rishi Sunak’s parents.

Significantly, Rishi Sunak is the 57th Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and the first person of Indian origin to hold the office of PM. The Indian-origin former chancellor has defied the rule by moving back into the smaller flat above 10 Downing Street, which is normally used as the home of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Sunak told the Times newspaper that ‘we thought it would be good for him (Chancellor Jeremy Hunt) to have a little bit more space, so I thought it was the right thing to do.’ At the age of 42, Rishi Sunak in 200 years Youngest British Prime Minister. He is the first Hindu to hold the highest office of the state and a statue of Lord Ganesha sits on his desk. Rishi Sunak has recently talked about improving relations with India in a meeting with PM Narendra Modi.