Booster dose of Covaccine inactivates Omicron and Delta, Bharat Biotech’s big statement


New Delhi: Amidst the third wave of coronavirus in the country, Bharat Biotech has made a big statement on Wednesday. Under which the booster dose of Covaccine completely neutralizes the effects of Omicron and Delta variants of coronavirus.

The company issued a statement saying that the test conducted has revealed that the booster dose of COVAXIN (BBV152) manufactured by Bharat Biotech completely inactivates the Delta and Omicron variants of SARS-CoV-2.

If there is no fever for three days, then discharge
In the press conference held on Wednesday, the Ministry of Health has given a big instruction regarding the corona patients. Under which the patient who does not get fever continuously for three days can be discharged from the hospital. “There are mild cases after at least 7 days from testing positive for 3 consecutive days and non-emergency, they do not need to be tested before discharge,” said Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary, Health Ministry.

It further added, “Moderate case – If there is the resolution of symptoms, the patient maintains O2 saturation >93% (without O2) for 3 consecutive days. Such patient will be discharged.”


1,94,720 new cases came in a day
After the arrival of 1,94,720 new cases of coronavirus infection in the country, the total number of infected people has increased to 3,60,70,510, out of which 4,868 cases are of Omicron form. The Union Health Ministry gave this information on Wednesday. According to the data updated at 8 am, the number of patients under treatment in the country was recorded at 9,55,319, which is the highest in the last 211 days. Also, the death toll of Covid-19 has reached 4,84,655 with the death of 442 more patients.

Out of a total of 4,868 cases of Omicron, 1,805 people have so far recovered or have migrated out of the country. Maharashtra has the highest number of 1,281 cases. After this, 645 cases have been reported in Rajasthan, 546 in Delhi, 479 in Karnataka, and 350 in Kerala.
