Mumbai: The morning of 21 February is very special for Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan. The day Bebo was eagerly waiting, the clock arrived. Kilkari echoed for the second time in Kareena and Saif’s house. The actress was admitted for delivery in the morning at Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai, where she has given birth to another son (Kareena Kapoor blessed with a baby boy) this morning. After this news, Kareena’s fans are also very happy with the Kapoor family and the Pataudi family.
After the news of Kareena Kapoor Khan delivery, the fans are congratulating them a lot. Before the delivery, gifts for their second child started arriving. Fans were also speculating about their visiting guests. At the same time, an astrologer predicted that this time Kareena will give birth to a daughter, but this time this prediction proved to be wrong.
In fact, there were reports recently that astrology predicting the upcoming guest of Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli has predicted Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan’s second baby, that this time Kareena will become the mother of a daughter. But this prediction proved wrong after the birth of Timur’s younger brother.
According to the post of celebrity photographer Viral Bhayani, Kareena Kapoor gave birth to her second child at 4:45 am. However, no official announcement has been made by the Kapoor family so far. Fans are also waiting for the official announcement of Kareena-Saif’s second child from the Kapoor family.
Let us tell you that before delivery, fans send goodies packed with pink and blue color to their home. Kareena also shared some pictures on her Insta Story.