Apple has launched its first over ear headphones AirPods Max. The company has priced this premium headphone at Rs 59,900 and it has been made available for pre-order. The sale of this headphone will start on 15 December. The company has made this headphones available in space gray, sky blue silver, pink and green color options. Talking about the features of AirPods Max, it will get active noise cancellation including Adaptive EQ.
Also, there is support for H1 chipset. The AirPods Max has an accelerometer and gyroscope. Through them, you can track the head movement in real time. It has optical and position sensors which detect them by removing them from the ears. On raising them or removing them, we stop the sound.
Advanced features such as spatial audio, transparency mode have been given in AirPods Max. Apart from this, stainless steel headband has been given in AirPods Max. This steel headband can be adjusted according to the different headshape and size.
AirPods Max has a digital crown, allowing users to control volume. That is, with the play and pause of the song, the calling can also be controlled. Talk about audio quality, AirPods Max has a dynamic driver of 40mm and dual neodymium ring magnet motor.
Battery is strong
This premium wireless headphone will get 20 hours of battery life in a single charge and it can be charged with Apple’s lighting connector. A soft slim smart case will be provided with Apple AirPods Max which will not only protect the Airpods Max but will also keep it in an ultra-low-power state. Apple claims that it can play music for one and a half hours after charging for five minutes.