Mumbai: Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan remains very active on social media. On social media, he often shares his father’s lines for fans with his photos. During the lockdown imposed due to Coronavirus, he transported the migrant laborers of UP stranded in Maharashtra to their home safely through aircraft and buses. Now Big B has announced his decision to take his Organ Donate, taking a big decision. He gave information about this on social media.
Amitabh Bachchan tweeted a tweet. He has posted a picture of him, which also has a small green colored ribbon on his coat. Sharing this picture, Amitabh wrote, ‘I have sworn to become an Organ Donor. I have worn this green ribbon for its purity. ‘
In response to Amitabh’s tweet, many people have shared their own certificates of becoming argon donors and told how they too have donated their organs. There are also some of Amitabh Bachchan’s fans, who are talking about becoming organic donors following his footsteps.
Talking about the workfront, Amitabh Bachchan has many projects at the moment. These days he is hosting the 12th season of Kaun Banega Crorepati. Apart from this, Amitabh will also be seen in Ayan Mukherjee’s supernatural thriller film Brahastra. Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and Mouni Roy will be seen with him in this film. Apart from this film, he is also working in Nagraj Manjule’s film Jhund. Nagraj managed to garner tremendous buzz from the film Sairat. The first look of this film was released some time ago.