Yonkers: Pat Quinn, co-founder of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, which went viral on social media, passed away on Sunday. He was 37 years old. Through this challenge, more than 200 million was raised from around the world for research related to ‘Lu Gehrig’ disease. This disease is also called ‘amyotrophic lateral sclerosis’ (ALS).
The ALS Association reports that Quinn contracted the disease in 2013, a month after his 30th birthday. “Pat faced ALS with positivity and courage and inspired everyone around him,” she said. People who know him are extremely saddened by his departure but at the same time grateful for the work he did to fight ALS. Our condolences go out to Pat’s family, his friends, and supporters.
Pat was loved by many around the world, including the AALS community. ” In 2014, Pat saw professional golfer Chris Kennedy giving an “Ice Bucket Challenge” to one of his wife’s relatives, Jeanette Senerchia, who posted a video on social media urging people to do the same and donate money. Senerchia’s husband also suffers from ALS. It was only after this that Pat and co-founder Pete Fratus worked with his team to popularize the challenge.