Mumbai: Actor Goofy Paintal, who played Shakuni Mama in BR Chopra’s ‘Mahabharata’, has passed away. Goofy Pendal was hospitalized for some time due to his illness. Today on Monday, he passed away at the age of 79 in Mumbai.
The actor’s family has issued a statement saying, ‘It is with great sadness that we have to inform that our father Mr. Goofy Pental has passed away. He breathed his last this morning in the presence of his family members. Goofy Pantal was ill for a long time. He was admitted to the hospital in Mumbai on 31 May.
The actor was the brother of popular comedian Paintal, who starred in films like Satte Pe Satta, Rafoo Chakkar, Parichay and others.
Some of Gufi’s acting credits include films Dillagi (1978), Des Pardes (1978), Daava (1997), and Samrat & Co (2014). He essayed the role of Akshay Kumar’s maternal uncle in the 1994 movie Suhaag. Besides Mahabharat, he also starred in TV shows like Bharat Ka Veer Putra – Maharana Pratap, Mrs Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein, Karmaphal Daata Shani and Karn Sangini.