Electric vehicles will be at par with petrol-diesel vehicles in one year: Nitin Gadkari


New Delhi: The automobile market is changing something. People are now preferring to take electric vehicles in place of petrol-diesel or say combustion engines. But despite this, not everyone who wants an electric vehicle is able to get it. The biggest reason for this is its high cost. Even after the subsidy given by the government on electric vehicles, their cost is much higher than petrol-diesel vehicles. But now there is great news for those who want to buy an electric car or bike. Union Minister Nitin Gadkari has made a big announcement regarding electric vehicles.

According to a Moneycontrol report, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari has claimed that in the coming year, the price of electric vehicles will be made at par with petrol vehicles. The Union Minister has said that I am trying that within a year the price of EVs in the country should be equal to that of petrol vehicles. He said that with this we will be able to save the foreign exchange spent on fossil fuel (petrol-diesel).

Battery cost more
Nitin Gadkari said that the battery used in EVs is very expensive. 35 to 40 percent of the total cost of EVs is only the cost of the battery. Due to this electric vehicles become expensive. However, with new technology and subsidies, now the government is trying to reduce it. Along with this, charging stations are also being constructed across the country so that the charging problem faced by EVs can also be solved. Gadkari told that the EV category has registered huge growth. After the ever-increasing demand for electric vehicles, a growth of up to 800 percent has been recorded in their sales.

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When it will be done
After the announcement made by the Union Minister, it is clear that it will definitely take some time to bring down the increased prices of EVs. According to an estimate, this will be possible by the end of 2023 or the beginning of 2024. However, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari has not made any announcement regarding how much the prices of EVs will come down or how much subsidy the government will give on this.
