Myanmar IT Job Scam, More than thousand youths of India trapped in Myanmar


New Delhi: People from many countries including India have been victims of human trafficking in the city situated on the Myanmar-Thailand border. More than a thousand Indian IT professionals are being kept as slaves in Myanmar city. There are also 10 to 12 girls among them. At the same time, more than 10 thousand youths from other countries are being made cyber slaves work. People who returned to the country after leaving the country have been told this information.

According to the Bhaskar News report, people from Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Middle East countries including India are involved in human trafficking happening in Myanmar city. These people are hostages here. Where these people live is a city inside a stadium-like structure. It is reportedly set up by Chinese companies.

Similarly, the story of Dipesh, a young man from Maharashtra who was a victim of human trafficking, has also come to the fore. In February, he saw a job advertisement on social media and went to Thailand. Deepak, like others, also got caught in the trap of a cyber slave-making syndicate. Still stuck there. To release them, a condition has been laid to give 6 thousand dollars, that is, about 5 lakh rupees.

Talking to Bhaskar’s reporters over the call, Deepak said, ‘Save me, death is in front of me. A boy who lives with me has been taken away by three people. I don’t think he will come back now. Maybe when you call me again, I will not be alive. Correspondents spoke to Dipesh on October 9 at 8 am. This is their breakfast time. Apart from this, they are allowed to turn on their mobile at lunchtime only at 11:30 pm.


Prashant Yadav of Kanyakumari is also included in the victims of the human trafficking racket. Prashant, a mechanical engineer by profession, met a travel agent named Mansoor in December 2021. He took other documents including a passport, promising to get a good job in Dubai. And after which he was trapped in this trap.

100 person returned to India with the help of the Ministry of External Affairs
It is noteworthy that about 100 people who were victims of human trafficking have returned to India with the help of the Ministry of External Affairs. One of them is 32-year-old Rajesh (name changed) from Ghaziabad. Rajesh had gone to Myanmar in December last year and stayed there for about 8 months.

Talking to Bhaskar after coming back to India, Rajesh told that, after reaching there, either you will have to work according to their wish, otherwise they take out the organs of your body and sell them. When I refused to work, I had to endure hell-like torture for four days. I was kept in a prison where the prisoner is kept standing, tied with handcuffs with the help of a wooden stick. I also had 11 Chinese with me. Had to sleep standing in jail.
