Mumbai: Whenever it comes to action in Bollywood, Akshay Kumar’s name comes first. The actor has surprised the audience many times with his dangerous stunts. Talking about young stars, Tiger Shroff is also included in this list. He has robbed a lot of applause from the fans through his stunts and action on the silver screen. By the way, it was confirmed last time that the pair of Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff will very soon be seen in an important role in the action film ‘Bade Miyan ChoteMiyan’. After this official announcement, the makers have now revealed the release date of the film.
Actor Akshay Kumar, while posting the teaser of ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan’, wrote in the caption – ‘The year you debuted in this world, I debuted in films. Will you still compete, little Mian? Let’s go full-on action!
While posting the teaser of the film, Tiger Shroff wrote – ‘Double action, double-blast!! Excited to present to you all… the biggest action entertainer ever
After the teaser release, the makers of ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan’ confirmed that the film will hit the theaters on Christmas next year. According to the information received, this film is being directed by Ali Abbas Zafar. This will be the first time that Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff will be seen sharing the screen.