New Delhi: After testing last year, Google has finally announced that it is going to bring a new design for its Gmail in the coming days. Google is about to add some important services on the web version of Gmail within this app itself. Google claims that by doing this Gmail users will get a lot of benefits.
Actually, Google is going to add the service of Google Chat, Google Meet, and Google Space in its Gmail itself. This means that if you want to use Google Meet while using Gmail, then you will not have to go to any other window. You will get the option of Google Meet on the left side, on which you will be able to use Google’s meeting app with just one click. Similarly, you will be able to use Google Chat and Google Space easily.
All Gmail users will get this feature
According to a blog post by Google Workplace, workspace users will be able to test the new Integrated View of Gmail from February 8. In the new layout of Gmail, users will get four buttons. These buttons will be on the left side. Through these buttons, users will be able to shift to e-mail, chat, space, and Google Meet. Google will roll out this integrated view in Gmail by the second quarter of 2022. This view will be for everyone and all Gmail users will get the new user interface of Gmail before June this year.
According to Google, users who update to the new layout will already be able to see the same list of mail and label options. Changes to the Workspace tool were first announced in September 2021. One of the features included was that users were able to make face-to-face calls with other Gmail users without a Google Meet link.