Mumbai: Salman Khan celebrated his birthday last night with family, close friends, and Bollywood celebs. A day before the birthday, Salman Khan was bitten by a snake. After which he had to be admitted to the hospital. After being hospitalized and treated for some time, Salman celebrated his birthday. After the birthday celebration, Salman’s statement has come to the fore. In which he told how the snake bit him and how long he was admitted to the hospital. Along with this, he also gave his health update.
Salman Khan On Snake Bite was quoted by news agency ANI as saying, “A snake had entered my farmhouse, I took it out with the help of sticks. Slowly he came near my hand. Then when I caught the snake to release it out of the farmhouse, it bit me thrice. It was a kind of poisonous snake. I was hospitalized for 6 hours… now I am fine.”
Papa Salim Khan gave a health update
Salim Khan Reaction to Snake Bite told in an interview with ETimes, “We were really worried when this incident happened. Salman had reached the nearby medical center for the injection. Thankfully, it turned out that the snake was not poisonous. Then, they came back to the farmhouse and slept for a few hours. They are fine. There is nothing to worry about, but it is certain that we were scared.” Salim Khan revealed that snakes and scorpions sometimes bite his staff at his farmhouse.
Party held in Panvel’s farmhouse
Salman Khan organized a grand birthday party on Sunday night at his farmhouse in Panvel. This birthday party was celebrated in a very private way. Many big personalities also participated in this. In a few clips from the birthday bash, we can find out that the party was lavish and sumptuous. Salman shared his birthday with his niece Ayat. Ayat is the younger daughter of Salman Khan’s sister Arpita and Aayush Sharma. The two were even seen cutting the cake together.
Salman khan cut the birthday cake
In this video you can see during the cake cutting, Salman (Salman Khan Birthday Video) has taken his niece Ayat in his lap. Salman is seen getting the cake cut at the hands of his niece. There is a huge crowd of people in the party and the music is very loud. Meanwhile, Salman and Ayat cut the cake. Aayush is standing next to Salman. Salman has carried a black outfit for the birthday party. In the video, he is seen in a black T-shirt and pants.