Lucknow: At least eight Uttar Pradesh Police personnel including a Deputy Superintendent of Police were killed in an encounter with criminals in Kanpur. The police gave this information on Friday. Officials said that the police team was going to arrest the habitual criminal Vikas Dubey at Dikaru village under Chaubepur police station in the middle of July 2 and 3. An encounter took place during that time.
There are about 60 criminal cases against Dubey. Officials said a police team was about to reach the whereabouts of the culprit. At the same time, the police team was fired indiscriminately from the roof of a building in which Deputy, Superintendent of Police SP Devendra Mishra, three sub-inspectors and four constables were killed. Uttar Pradesh Director General of Police SC Awasthi said that the infamous criminal may have got a clue about the raid. Awasthi said that Dubey and his associates had blocked the path by putting JCB etc. to stop the police personnel moving towards their hideout.
The police team was not aware of this. He said that the police team came to a halt due to the road blockade and at the same time the criminals started firing indiscriminately from the roof of a building. Additional Director General (Law and Order), Inspector General (Kanpur) and Senior Superintendent of Police of Kanpur have reached the spot after receiving information about the incident. The forensic team of Kanpur is investigating, a team will also come from Lucknow. The DGP said that the Special Task Force (STF) of Uttar Pradesh Police has also been sent there. Additional Chief Secretary Home Avnish Awasthi said that Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath paid tribute to the eight police personnel who lost their lives while performing duty in Kanpur and expressed condolences to their families. .
A spokesperson said that the Chief Minister has directed the Director General of Police to take the strictest action against the culprits who have perpetrated the tragedy and immediately provide reports from the spot. Director General of Police HC Awasthi said that Vikas Dubey is a vicious criminal and history-sheeter in Kanpur and has 60 cases registered against him. He told that a person named Rahul Tiwari from Kanpur had filed a case against it. Special security forces have also been sent to the spot. Additional Chief Secretary Home Avnish Awasthi said that the Chief Minister of the state Yogi Adityanath paid tribute to the eight police personnel who lost their lives while performing duty in Kanpur and expressed condolences to their family members. .
He said that the Chief Minister has instructed the Director-General of Police to take the strictest action against the culprits who have perpetrated the tragedy and provide immediate reports.