Iran succeeded in making drone that can monitor distance of 7 thousand kilometers


Tehran: The Iranian Army has claimed that it has succeeded in making a drone that can monitor a distance of 7 thousand kilometers. Hussein Salami, Commander-in-Chief of Iran’s Army Revolutionary Guard, has announced in an interview about this dangerous drone. He said that 7 thousand km is the maximum operational range of this drone. This also includes its return to its base. Obviously, the new disclosure on weapons from Iran can increase America’s concern. The US has been considering Iran’s arms race as a threat to the region.

Salami said, ‘We have drones which can go a long distance of 7 thousand km. They can take off, return to their base, and land wherever they want. Experts say that with the help of drone aircraft going such a long distance, Iran can successfully return to Europe, Asia, Russia, most of Africa.

Even after having such a long-range, Iranian drones are still far behind in terms of the most powerful drone aircraft in the world. For example, America’s UAS drone aircraft can stay in the air for a week and travel up to a distance of 7 lakh 25 thousand km. Iran has achieved a lot of success in the matter of drone planes in recent times. Iran has succeeded in manufacturing small arms, air defense systems, fighter jets, missiles, warships, and drone aircraft.

Iran has intensified the manufacture of weapons at a time when there was a ban on the purchase of weapons against it. This ban has been removed only last year. The drone aircraft industry is one area where Iran has achieved great success. Let us tell you that the tension between Iran and Israel is going on at its peak these days. Iranian drone planes can become a crisis for Israel in the coming times.
