New Delhi: The Union Health Ministry said on Saturday that a total of 10935 oxygen concentrators, 13169 oxygen cylinders, 19 oxygen-producing plants, and 4.9 lakh Remdesivir injection vials from April 27 to May 13 were received as global assistance. Various states and union territories have been supplied or dispatched to them.
According to the ministry, on May 13-14, significant consignments were received from the US, Italy, Canada, South Korea, Oman, United Kingdom, and Japan, which included 157 oxygen concentrators, 900 oxygen cylinders, and 338 ventilators/biped / cipeps. According to the ministry, 68810 vials of Ramdesivir along with 1000 units of tocilizumab were also received in these consignments from these countries.
The ministry said a total of 10953 oxygen concentrators, 13169 oxygen cylinders, 19 oxygen-producing plants, 6835 ventilators, bipeds, and 4.9 lakh Remdesivir injection vials were sent by road and air to the states and union territories between April 27 and May 13. Has gone The ministry said, “Effective immediate allocation and systematic distribution is a continuous exercise for the recipient states and union territories and institutions.”

The Union Health Ministry is monitoring it extensively on a regular basis. The Ministry has set up a dedicated coordination cell for the allocation of Kovid relief materials received as grants, assistance, and donations from abroad. This cell has been functioning since 26 April. The standard operating procedure was formulated and implemented by the Ministry of Health on 2 May 2021.