Find out where the corona and lockdown started a year ago

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Wuhan: The world is still under the shadow of fear, exactly one year after it came to be known by the word ‘lockdown’. The city of Wuhan (Wuhan News) from China, where Corona Virus in China started, there are also clouds of doubt in the atmosphere.

When the world heard the lockdown
A year ago, on this day i.e. on Saturday, Wuhan shocked the whole world. More than one crore people living in the capital of Hubei Province were locked in their homes. After this, a lockdown of 76 days was imposed here. The city was captured by a mysterious virus.

Worldwide lockdown
On the same day, public transport was completely stopped at 10 o’clock in the morning. The roads leading out of the city were completely closed. There was silence like a desert all around. Gradually, restrictions were imposed in many cities of the world like Wuhan. The whole world went under lockdown.

Moderna vaccine forms antibodies against the corona

Wuhan has forgotten lockdown
Right now where the world is engaged in dealing with the corona epidemic. At the same time, the people of Wuhan have forgotten the lockdown. Traffic is normal. People are walking on the streets and common people are using public transport and parks. A 20-year-old youth living in Wuhan city and wearing masks said, “Last year we had to struggle. But now everything is under control. The elderly are dancing in the park. The ‘Wuhan Stay Strong’ beer is selling at the bar.

Creepy memories still alive
It is not that the people of Wuhan have lost their memories of a year ago. Huang Gaben (76) spent 67 days in the hospital. He was having blood vomiting and was waiting for his death. He said, ‘When I closed my eyes at night, I did not know whether I would open my eyes the next day or not’.

More than 2 million deaths in the world
More than two million people have died due to coronavirus all over the world. But China had shown only 5000 deaths. However, many countries including the US had questioned this.
