Bhopa :lReligious places including temples, mosques, churches, gurudwaras and pagoda will not open in Bhopal from Monday.The decision was taken by the collector after talking to the heads of all religions in the police control room on Sunday afternoon. Collector Tarun Pithode said that the population in the old city is very high.There are already more cases in Bhopal. In such a situation, the risk of corona rising will increase with the opening of religious places. In view of this, no religious place will open from Monday. However, minibuses, Magic vehicles and low floor buses will not operate from Monday and decision on running local transport is likely after June 15 Guidelines for hotels and restaurantsGuidelines have been issued for the opening of hotels and restaurants. Waiters will have to wear face shield, hand gloves and cap. There will be a tub for the customers. They will get entry only after standing in the tub. Guidelines to prevent corona infection in shopping mallsCommissioner, Health Mr. Faiz Ahmad Kidwai has issued detailed guidelines for the opening of the shopping malls in view of prevention of corona infection and prevention of spread.The instructions issued stated that permission has been granted to open only shopping malls set up outside the containment. Permission has not been granted to open game zones; children’s play areas and cinema halls in the malls.The shopping mall managers must make arrangements for sanitizer dispensers and thermal screening. Only healthy customers and employees should be allowed to come to the mall wearing masks. Marks will have to be made for social distancing. Home delivery staff should also be allowed to do home delivery only after health checkup. Social distancing should be followed in elevators and meeting arrangements. Frequently touching surfaces such as hand rails, benches can be treated with germs. In order to avoid infection, the employees of the mall and the customers coming there must make sure that the 6 feet social distancing is maintained and use of masks is mandatory. Protocol adherence must be ensured when hand-washing, sanitization, coughing and sneezing.Spitting is strictly prohibited and a penalty should be imposed for doing so. It is mandatory for the customer to arrange for hand sanitizer and masks in the shop operated inside the mall. Permission to enter the shop should be given only on the basis of the area of the shop. It will be compulsory to follow a distance of 6 feet in the event of a line at any place under the mall and shop.The temperature of air conditioner should be kept from 24 to 30 degrees Celsius and humidity 40 to 70 percent. Only 50 percent seating capacity will be allowed in the food court.The use of masks and globs by food court employees, waiters, employees working in kitchens will be mandatory. When a suspect or positive person comes to the mall, he should be isolated immediately and the control room should be informed.Disinfection of that area should be done when the Covid positive person comes to the mall. All employees should be advised to use the Aarogya Setu App. In the instructions issued, regular water treatment of drinking water site and toilets, e-wallet will have to be arranged for payment.