New Delhi: Ever since Elon Musk took charge of Twitter, he has been making new rules every day. First of all, he changed the entire management of Twitter and then started paid subscription for Blue Tick, in which many users thought it appropriate to take a paid subscription to save their Blue Tick.
Now going a step further, Musk has almost banned the use of Twitter for free. Now only those users who have a subscription to Twitter will be able to see all the tweets. In such a situation, for those who used to give their feedback after seeing thousands of tweets daily, it is going to be a bit difficult for them.
Twitter new rules
In a way, Elon Musk wants to bring unpaid Twitter subscribers to the paid version in one way or the other. In such a situation, Elon Musk has played another trick. This time Musk has set a daily tweet limit for free users. Meaning if you have not taken a Twitter subscription, then you will be able to read a maximum of 600 tweets in a day. Although the company says that this is a temporary limit.
Who will be able to read how many tweets?
Elon Musk says that this rule has been taken because of the Twitter outage. Let us tell you that for some time, Twitter used to stop suddenly, due to which the users had to face a lot of problems.
According to Elon Musk’s new rule, verified accounts will be able to read a maximum of 6000 tweets in a day, while unverified accounts will be able to read a maximum of 600 tweets in a day, while new unverified Twitter users will be able to read only 300 tweets in a day.