Peripheral Neuropathy (PN) is a chronic clinical condition, wherein the peripheral nervous system is damaged. Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy include numbness, tingling, prickling, and burning sensations in the hands and feet. Sufferers of PN report impacts on their quality of life including reduced physical abilities and poor sleep. Besides diabetes mellitus, obesity, alcohol misuse, and B vitamins deficiencies are other high-risk factors leading to peripheral nerve damage.
“At P&G Health, we have always strived to increase awareness around peripheral neuropathy and sensitise individuals on the importance of nerve health. The ‘Demystify Neuropathy’ forum is a great platform for us to bring the entire ecosystem of nerve care experts together and discuss the condition so that the community is more informed and able to take diagnose patients better. As a leader in nerve care, P&G Health will continue to educate communities about the effects of peripheral neuropathy on the quality of life and promote better collective health,” said Milind Thatte, Managing Director, Procter & Gamble Health Limited.
Expert Speak:
- Speaking at the forum, Prof. Rainer Freynhagen, Head of Department, Anaesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine & Pain Medicine at Benedictus Hospitals Tutzing & Feldafing Germany stated, “Peripheral Neuropathy and pain with neuropathic components are highly prevalent in the general population. Doctors around the globe see millions of patients suffering daily from these conditions which are relatively easy to diagnose but challenging to treat, particularly in advanced stages. Around 10% of the general population worldwide is affected by neuropathic pain and 50% of these patients are not sufficiently managed1. Although identifying a patient with PN is not rocket science, currently published studies across different countries confirm that up to 80% of patients remain undiagnosed and untreated. Many people may report their painful sensations only after they become unbearable but for me much more important is the fact, that only less than 1/3rd of physicians are confident to recognize symptoms and signs of PN accordingly. To me it’s appalling that for many physicians’ neuropathic pain has often the lowest importance in comparison to other symptoms, even though it’s one of the most burdening problems with a tremendous impact on our patients’ quality of life.”
- Dr Satish V Khadilkar, Renowned Neurologist, Professor and Head of Department of Neurology at Bombay Hospital Institute of Medical Sciences in Mumbai, India stated, “Diagnosing Peripheral Neuropathy is an unmet need. If PN is not diagnosed and treated in early stages, it usually progresses into neuropathic pain which can lead to several comorbidities which significantly impact the patient’s quality of life, social life and working life5. These include depression, sleep disturbances, anxiety which also require treatment adding to the economic burden of the patient. Painful diabetic PN is significantly associated with disruptions in employment status and work productivity. Of working patients, 59% reported being less productive at work6.”
- According to Dr Ankia Coetzee, Endocrinologist, University of Stellenbosch Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Cape Town, South Africa, “Each contact with a patient is an opportunity and primary care physicians can play a key role in diagnosing neuropathy7. As some patients might have difficulties in describing their symptoms properly, proactively probing for characteristics of PN such as numbness, pins and needles and tingling sensation, lancinating, stabbing or electric shock-like pain can be a good starting point. Easy to perform sensory tests such as vibration perception testing, pin prick test, monofilament test, etc. take no longer than a few minutes and guide the diagnosis, while laboratory tests can help refine the diagnoses.”
- “With the rising prevalence of Peripheral Neuropathy in India, it has become extremely crucial to educate physicians and patients about this condition. The ‘Demystify Neuropathy’ forum enlightened us with enriching insights, data, and clinical practice guidelines shared by well-known health experts from across the globe and the region on neuropathy diagnoses, treatment, and management. We recognize the exemplary efforts of P&G Health to create heightened awareness around the subject which can keep patients/ consumers more informed and enable them to take steps to mitigate the effects of neuropathy,” added Dr. Shashank Joshi, MBBS, MD, DM, (Endocrinology), Physician & Endocrinologist, Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai.
P&G Health has collaborated with Association of Physicians Of India (API) for the accreditation of Neuropathy Awareness Week 2023. The Indian Medical Association (IMA), one of India’s largest associations for Medical practitioners is one of the partners for this event, endorsing the need to spread awareness and empower family doctors for early diagnosis of Peripheral Neuropathy.
Neuropathy Awareness Week 2023 is part of P&G Health’s ‘Ab Feel Karega India’ awareness campaign to commemorate Neuropathy Awareness Week 2023. The campaign is inspired by the symptoms such as numbness and tingling felt by those suffering with Peripheral Neuropathy, shedding light on how those with the condition are not able to feel the same joy and delight when going about routine activities, negatively impacting their ability to get things done and consequentially their emotional wellbeing.
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